Mike Tamasi

President and CEO


A second-generation owner, Michael is intensely focused on enterprise excellence driven by continuous improvement principles, initiating the focus on world class manufacturing in 1995. 

Michael is very active in industry and educational organizations including government appointments to the Massachusetts Advanced Manufacturing Collaborative, currently serving as Co-Chair, and previously sitting on the MA STEM Advisory Council. In 2022, Michael took on the first Advisory Board Chair role for Boston’s CareerSpring, a platform committed to helping first-generation, low-income students launch meaningful careers. He is also Chairman of the Board for GBMP, a NIMS Audit Team Leader and an Ambassador for MassEcon. 

In February of 2014, he was named to the New England Advisory Council for the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and served for 5 years, including Chair in 2018. Michael is active in the National Tooling and Machining Association having served as Team Leader for both the Audit Team and Budget & Finance Team, and served on the Boston Chapter’s board for fifteen years. He recently stepped down as Chairman of Business Leaders United after serving for eight years. 

Michael currently sits on the advisory board for the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of New Hampshire, where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering. He received an MBA from Babson College.